Jack calls Bill to explain that his father escaped but left him with a lead on how to find Gredenko. He tells him that President Logan knows how to get to Gredenko. In case you missed season 5, President Logan was the one who helped orchestrate the assassination of President Palmer, Michelle Dessler and Tony Almeida, and helped supply terrorists with nerve gas all trying to "help the country." Bill explains to Jack that Logan brokered some backdoor deals and worked out a plea bargain to be under house arrest and that the American public never knew how he betrayed his country. This does not sit well with Jack, which is understandable, considering all the work Jack went through to bring him to justice.
Jack heads over to the log cabin where Logan is being held under house arrest. He has grown a beard, which I think is a nice addition because it hides his weird neck. He's also wearing plaid because I guess he's taken up lumberjacking and whittling in his spare time. Logan tells Jack he can lead him to Gredenko through a Russian consulate. Jack's like "been there done that Charles" and Logan explains that he has leverage against him. Logan worked with him before and didn't implement him, but he still could. Jack figures Logan's motives are to try to get a better deal, but Logan, rather convincingly tells him he doesn't want anything, just to help. He's "reconnected with his faith" and isn't the same man he was before. Logan tells Jack that their best bet in getting this guy to tell the truth is if Logan goes and talks to him in person.
Jack calls Wayne and tells him the situation and asks him to temporarily suspend Logan's house arrest so they can go chat with the Russian man. Palmer talks to Logan and is very upfront with him about how he doesn't trust him or forgive him. I mean the guy killed his brother (and I mean it the way white people mean it, which is less meaningful I think.) Wayne makes sure that Logan knows that even though he's agreeing to let him go for the time being, he in no way forgives him. Jack gets back on the phone and Wayne tells him to "make it count" ("meet me at the clock."- Lauren Greene with the clutch Titanic reference.)
We see that President Logan has become extremely neat during his confinement and then gets dressed for the whole rest of the episode. He says a prayer to himself in the mirror and Jack sees the same prayer highlighted in his Bible. I think it's about redemption. Jack seems to believe, as do I, that Logan is really doing this without any ulterior motives. He seems genuine when telling Wayne that he wants to help him the way David helped him a couple years ago. Logan seems like he really just wants to be able to live with himself. I don't know why Jack's not hurrying him up and telling him that there's no time to pick out just the right tie for the occasion. It's also convenient that Jack and Logan are the same size, because Jack gets dressed in a beautiful suit very quickly. That means no more denim jacket and formfitting metrosexual t-shirt that Jack didn't bleed or sweat in.
Back in the batcave, the assassin has arrived. He meets Reed in the room where Lennox is being held. He unties him from one pole and then ties him to another one literally one foot away for no reason. Poor Tom Lennox is bound and gagged the whole episode and only gets to say like one line. Reed runs around and tries to make excuses for no one being able to find Lennox. Side note: what has Chad Lowe ever done? Should I know something else he was in? Anyway. They talk about their plan to put a bomb made of highlighters onto the podium and then activating it while Palmer's within 10 feet of it.
At CTU Morris complains. For like half an hour. Chloe asks him if he's been drinking and if he's okay to work about 90 times and Morris says no to drinking and yes to being able to work about 90 times. Nadia thinks he can't work, Bill trusts him, Chloe doesn't and then she shoots him in the head. No that doesn't happen, but it's what I wish did because the only thing that happens in this episode until the end has to do with Morris and if he's able to type things into a computer. I really wish Fayed had just killed him.
Now it's time for Assad's speech. Reed nervously walks down the hallway and every person he passes looks at him. He puts the bomb under the podium where Assad will be making his speech and Palmer stands off to the side. Reed excuses himself saying he's going to go look for Lennox. He then stands outside the room and detonates the bomb. I honestly didn't think he was going to have the cajones to actually go through with it. Fortunately, Assad notices the highlighter fluid and warns everyone with barely enough time to move out of the way of the blast. Assad looks pretty dead, and Wayne is not moving at all. He's alive, but injured bad. Great. As soon as I started to really like Wayne as the president, he gets taken out of commission for probably a good amount of episodes.
This episodes fatal flaw was that there was barely any Jack - Logan interaction. The few times this did happen were the best parts of the episode. A couple of things that I noticed during this episode. Why does Bill continue to trust Jack and do everything he says? I don't think Jack has told him what he's actually been doing all day until after the fact. Yet every time Jack says "Bill I can't explain, you have to trust me, please just send me 76 tactical teams" Bill's like "okay yeah I'll make that top priority even though I never know what you're doing and every time I send you a team the only one left alive is you." And where is Bill's sugar mama Karen? A flight from D.C. to LA doesn't take 6 hours. Maybe she got a flight with a lay over in Canada or something.
I would say that this was one of the weaker episodes of the season so far. But I'm still really glad that Gregory Itzin is back playing President Logan because he's so much fun to hate.
P.S. The beginning isn't supposed to be one long paragraph, this isn't spacing right for some reason and I don't know why and I'm tired of trying to fix it.