If the 9 p.m. hour were an episode of Sesame Street, it would have been brought to us by the word "affadavit" and the phrase "for the good of the country." Once again, Jack Bauer had very little to do, but hijinks in the White House bunker and interterrorist rivalries between Gredenko and Fayed almost made up for his absence from the screen.
Very good point. They made the point that all of the action happened in the last five minutes of the episode and there were a lot of pointless plot twists that ended up going no where. All of the Gredenko plot twists made no sense and in the end didn't matter because he just kicked it anyway. They also made the hilarious observation that Gredenko uses the world's biggest wire ever when going in to meet with Fayed, when Jack usually just uses one of those ear plug things. But his wire matched with that giant satellite phone he's been using. They also say that terrorists seem to really want to stick to their plan. When Fayed and his men are going to meet with Gredenko, one of his more astute henchmen say that they can cause plenty of damage without Gredenko and should just launch from where they are. But Fayed's not down with that and has to "go ahead with the plan."
They talked a little bit about Doyle and how they don't care about him as a character. They can't tell if he's a good guy or if he's still some sneaky bad guy. Both of them would prefer he be a bad guy because they don't believe or care about him as a good guy. I agree, Doyle is not cool. I've seen a lot of fans talking about how they're possibly grooming Doyle to be the next Jack Bauer after Jack is killed. That would be the worst idea ever. If that happens I will never watch an episode of 24 again. I've tried to find some articles to back that up with but haven't been able to find any. But I also haven't been looking that hard.
They didn't come right out and say whether they liked the episode or not, but the fact that they said all the action happened in the last five minutes leads me to believe they didn't. They refer to the country that Palmer's going to bomb (in his "Uma Thurman andrenaline craze") as Fayed-istan which I really enjoy.
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