This was kind of the Morris back-story episode, but it was still really good. We begin with Marilyn and Milo fighting off bad guys in one of Los Angeles's famous abandoned industrial parks. Milo takes a bullet to the arm and holds off Poppa Bauer's henchmen until Jack arrives and saves them at the last minute. Milo is not phased at all by the machine gun bullets he's just taken to the arm, so I think I'm going to need to be giving him some more respect.
Jack then violently throws Marilyn against a concrete wall and snarls for her to tell him why Gredenko knew they were coming. She tells Jack they weren't Gredenko's men they were Phillip's. She explains that Phillip killed Graem and is threatening to do the same to Josh if she doesn't tell him where Gredenko is. Jack calls Bill and tells him that the team has been ambushed. Jack tells him that he can't explain what he's about to do, which makes Bill angry but Jack's going to do what he wants anyway, and Bill knows that.
At CTU, Nadia (who I expected there to be more of during the day, she's kind of been in the background) tells Chloe and Morris that Milo was shot holding off thugs and that he was going to be fine. This bothers Morris, because everything does, and Chloe questions his ability to work effectively. She tells him to talk to a psychiatrist of his sponsor. He tells her that he'll be fine, that he just needs to take a break and go for a walk. Morris goes to a quick mart and picks up a bottle of whiskey and Altoids. Morris should know that you should never drink and set up a perimeter. He goes into the alley and downs practically the whole thing, which impressed me. He then realizes he's made a huge mistake and throws it up. Chloe calls him and mid-breakdown tells her that he's on his way back to work. Morris picked a hell of a day to quit drinkin.
Meanwhile, Jack convinces Marilyn to call Phillip and tell her that she won't give up Gredenko's location until she can come see Josh. Phillip puts up a fight but eventually gives her the address. Josh overhears that Phillip will kill him if his mother doesn't cooperate. He then tries to convince grandpa to let him go down to the lobby and get a soda. Pop-pop Bauer pulls a gun and lets him know that he's not leaving. Now I'm doubting if Josh is Jack's son because Jack's son would have the ability to kill him with a throw pillow or something. Or even better, the room key card, Nina Meyers style. Anyway, by the time Jack and Marilyn get to the hotel, they see that Phillip and Josh are gone. Poppa Bauer calls the room phone and Jack and Marilyn see that they are on the roof of the building across the way. Jack tells his dad that he'll trade himself for Josh.
Cut back to Washington. Lennox gets Reed the president's itinerary and promises him that he'll give clearance to the man who is supposed to assassinate Palmer. Wayne asks Lennox for his help on Assad's speech. Lennox confesses that he didn't think the president cared too much about his opinion anymore. Wayne says that's not true, and apologizes for making him feel that way. He tells Lennox that his changes to the speech are great and thanks him. Lennox goes back to the bunker to see Reed and tells him he'll get the clearance within the hour. Reed leaves and Lennox calls the secret service, having changed his mind about helping kill the president. Note to bosses, just compliment your employees every once in a while and they won't have you killed. Reed overhears the conversation and bashes Lennox in the head repeatedly. Lennox says that he cannot condone the murder of the president, so Reed knocks him unconscious and cancels the meeting with the secret service.
Morris is back to work at CTU, but Chloe can smell alcohol on his breathe and calls him out on it. He explains to her that he drank it but spat it back out immediately. I feel really bad for Morris here as he explains to Chloe that he didn't drink it because he couldn't give up everything, especially her. He says it was at least one little triumph in his terrible terrible day. Morris is usually really annoying, but he was tortured, so maybe we should give him a break for wanting to have a little swig. Chloe believes him, but warns that she'll be watching him for the rest of the shift, aka another 14 hours.
Jack goes unarmed and alone to meet with his dad. Poppa Bauer lets Josh go and it's just Jack and dad. Phillip explains that he needs to find Gredenko to keep his legacy and enterprise alive. Phillip, we get it, you REALLY love this company. He says if Jack was in charge and hadn't abandoned the family, none of this would have happened. He tells Jack to get on his knees and points the gun at the back of his head. The camera zooms in on Jack's face and explains to his dad that he wasn't abandoning the family, he just had to go out on his own and make his own life. He finishes talking and tells his dad that he's ready. Nothing happens. Jack turns around, wondering what's taking so long, and Phillip's gone. Jack rushes outside and finds a cell phone instructing him to dial a number (which was a real number by the way, so if you want to call it someone from the set of 24 will answer. Or at least that's the way it usually works if you see a real num

1 comment:
"This bothers Morris, because everything does."
Hahahaha! Seriously, Morris has really been annoying me lately. Yes, you screwed up. GET OVER IT NOW. OR AT LEAST STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF UNTIL AFTER YOU SAVE THE WORLD. GEEZ. DUH.
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