Tomorrow and next Monday night I will have to tape 24 to attend the Beanpot. At least I'll be delaying Jack watching for my other favorite thing, hockey. Let's go Huskies!
Since I started this blog well after the death of Michelle Dessler I never get to gush about my love for her. So I've decided to do a post about her, even though she's no longer on the show.
I am a heterosexual female, but I was madly in love with Michelle Dessler. Reiko Aylesworth, who played her, is so beautiful I can't even stand it. In my opinion, she was far and away the most attractive female to ever be on the show. Michelle was my favorite character after Jack. She was a strong, independent, intelligent woman, who always kept her cool throughout the very stressful days she worked at CTU. Michelle always did what was needed of her, no matter what personal crisis she might have been going through. In season 2, she was the only one for a long time who helped Jack to try and stop a war based on falsified information. In season 3, her husband got shot in the neck, and she was still able to run CTU effectively. She was brave enough to go into a hotel that was infected with a deadly virus, and keep order over a lot of annoying, panicky people. She even had to shoot someone, which was awesome. When the terrorists kidnap her to try and use her as leverage to get Tony to do what they want, Michelle escapes and then gets caught again for the good of the country.
Her romance with Tony was the only thing that kept me watching season 4, which is my least favorite season because it's so ridiculous and stupid. The Michelle-Tony story lines was one of my favorite aspects of the show. It gave the characters depth and added a lot plot-wise.
I haven't been crazy about a lot of the female characters on the show. I hated Teri Bauer, Nina was a mole, Kim's less than intelligent, Audrey is cold, Sherry was the worst. Without Michelle, there aren't any women left to love. Her death was a tragedy, that probably effected me more than it should have. So in conclusion, I miss Michelle and wish she had never been killed. And I also hope to see Reiko Aylesworth and her beautiful hair in more rolls because I miss her dearly.
Since I started this blog well after the death of Michelle Dessler I never get to gush about my love for her. So I've decided to do a post about her, even though she's no longer on the show.
I am a heterosexual female, but I was madly in love with Michelle Dessler. Reiko Aylesworth, who played her, is so beautiful I can't even stand it. In my opinion, she was far and away the most attractive female to ever be on the show. Michelle was my favorite character after Jack. She was a strong, independent, intelligent woman, who always kept her cool throughout the very stressful days she worked at CTU. Michelle always did what was needed of her, no matter what personal crisis she might have been going through. In season 2, she was the only one for a long time who helped Jack to try and stop a war based on falsified information. In season 3, her husband got shot in the neck, and she was still able to run CTU effectively. She was brave enough to go into a hotel that was infected with a deadly virus, and keep order over a lot of annoying, panicky people. She even had to shoot someone, which was awesome. When the terrorists kidnap her to try and use her as leverage to get Tony to do what they want, Michelle escapes and then gets caught again for the good of the country.
Her romance with Tony was the only thing that kept me watching season 4, which is my least favorite season because it's so ridiculous and stupid. The Michelle-Tony story lines was one of my favorite aspects of the show. It gave the characters depth and added a lot plot-wise.
I haven't been crazy about a lot of the female characters on the show. I hated Teri Bauer, Nina was a mole, Kim's less than intelligent, Audrey is cold, Sherry was the worst. Without Michelle, there aren't any women left to love. Her death was a tragedy, that probably effected me more than it should have. So in conclusion, I miss Michelle and wish she had never been killed. And I also hope to see Reiko Aylesworth and her beautiful hair in more rolls because I miss her dearly.
So true: there really aren't any women left to love now that Michelle is gone. I'm not crazy about Karen at all. (I think she's cold and shrewish, and can't imagine her married to Bill; I just don't see any sparks there.) And the budding romance between Martha and Aaron was a little too post-menapausal for my blood. A replacement for Tony & Michelle they were not.
I opened a site for suffering Tochelle fans: TonyAlmeida-HesNotDead
There's a fan fic called "Love At First Date," if you'd like to check it out. It's a lighthearted romantic comedy, post-season 2, which many T&M fans have found solace in. %-D
see karen's so not cool i even forgot to mention her! the "post-menopausal" description made me lol. i'm glad you agree. i'll definately check out that website!
haha you sound like you're nominating her for an award.
and umm, you KINDA love chloe. there may be hope yet.
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