Wednesday, January 31, 2007

on second thought...

After reviewing some fan comments I might have to back off my criticism that last night's episode was a little slow. It was less "action-packed" than the season's been so far, but there was some good character development, especially between Jack and his family. I think one of the problems I had is that with so many main characters having died over the past couple of seasons, the only characters I really know and care about are Jack and Chloe, and there wasn't much of them in the episode last night. Also, there hasn't been nearly enough Chloe at all this season period.

Last nights episode was also a bit of a slap in the face to the criticism that 24 portrays Muslims negatively. While they have in the past, even this season with the Ahmed and Fayed storyline, last night's episode was a little different. While in a detainment camp, Walid was convinced by the FBI to spy on a group of people they believed knew about the nuclear bomb plot. Walid keeps his cover and steals a cell phone from one of the seemingly more sketchy characters, because Walid was apparently a stellar pick-pocket before entering the business world. We learn that the only thing the suspect has been doing on his cell phone is accessing Web sites to learn about the days events. None of the people they suspected to be terrorists actually are. The FBI and Walid turn out to be the judgmental bad guys in this case for suspecting innocent Americans, who are just angry that their civil liberties are being taken away.

Also as of right now, Nadia is an honest agent who is being jerked-around by racial stereotyping. So far, Nadia is a like able character that we realize is being treated unfairly and irrationally.

One of the things I have to applaud 24 for this season is creating a lot of debate about these concentration camps and civil liberties and when it's acceptable to let a couple slide during a crisis. In the past, it has been assumed that everyone will just suspend rights for a while until the newest terrorist plot is averted. But this crisis has been going on for weeks and is going to continue, how permanent should these changes be? Many of the characters realize that giving up civil liberties and privacy, if even for a short amount of time, will lead the country in a horrible direction. These are questions and issues that are relevant in American society now against the "war on terrorism."

I really like the fact that Jack's brother and father are on the show now. This will give us clues as to how Jack grew up, and might shed more light onto why he is the way he is. It's also interesting to me that it doesn't seem like Graem is afraid of his brother. He knows his brother is dangerous, but he seems more annoyed with him than scared. I can't wait to find out what led the two into such different lives and beliefs. I wish we could see if Jack's mother was approximately 3 feet tall, because then I would understand why Jack's dad can be a giant and Jack still be practically the same height as me; but I'm not really expecting that.

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