Tuesday, January 30, 2007

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

I guess we can call tonight's episode the lull in an otherwise stellar start to the season.

Jack finds out from Graem that someone employed by their father's family had a shady past and helped supply the terrorists with the suitcase nukes. Jack makes Graem go to his office, which is where Graem says their father went. Jack then apparently spends the next 35 minutes going there, because the next time we see him he's arriving at the office.

Meanwhile, Karen Hayes and Tom Lennox get in a monstrous fight. In case I haven't talked about him previously, Lennox is this whiny weasel guy who hates liberty and set up "detention facilities" all over the city. He wants to take more extreme measures in detaining people and getting information. Karen goes all Thomas Jefferson on him telling him that he's going too far and infringing on every one's civil liberties. She also somehow makes "bleeding-heart liberal" sound like it's synonymous with "terrorism," but I guess I can overlook that because her overall message was good.

HOWEVER. Lennox is tired of Karen getting in his way, so he does some shady investigating and gets evidence against her and Bill Buchanan saying that they had Fayed in custody and let him go. He claims that Bill is incompetent and that Karen was covering for his mistakes. Karen, pretty strongly it seemed to me, defended herself against these charges, but then resigned anyway! I couldn't believe this. What happened to the whole speech before about not letting Lennox get to you Karen? This disappointed me, but she'll now be transferred back to CTU to work there. I'm guessing the writers like it better when married couples work in close quarters (the new Tony and Michelle?), but I think they should have had Karen stand up to Lennox, like she's been successfully doing all season. But it did give her the opportunity to give the president a very good and much needed pep talk.

Back at CTU, racial profiling is at it's all-time finest. Nadia Yassir, who I believe is the second in command under Bill, learns that anyone with a Middle Eastern background has to go through extra security measures. This slows her work down and makes her plenty mad, but she only asks that Bill takes it up with someone at a later point. This I respect for a couple of reasons. As of now, no one really knows what to think of Nadia, but I like how she doesn't make a huge deal out of this. She's obviously upset, as she should be, but if she reacted like Sandra Palmer's been acting all day, no one would care. As of right now, she is a loyal American and I hope hope hope that she stays that way so she can be the first positive Middle Eastern character on the show. Oh, and she's gorgeous in a makes-me-kind-of-want-to-hate-her way.

Back to Jack. They arrive at the office and quickly after entering, Jack hears that someone else is in the building. Jack is attacked by one guy, who he quickly takes out, only to get knocked out by another shady character. Jack is held at gunpoint when his father comes in and saves him. There's a not so nice family reunion, where we realize that Graem is probably the baddest bad guy in the shows history. Apparently he's been monitoring everything going on in the company and is probably involved in helping to set the nukes off. He also makes fun of Jack's wife for being dead, before telling his thugs to hold Jack and his dad at gunpoint and load them in a van. Graem tells the thugs not to contact him again until their job is done, which is apparently killing Jack and Poppa Bauer.

While this episode was a little bit sub-par, it eluded to a lot of things that we will eventually learn about the Bauer family, which is something to look forward to.

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