Monday, January 29, 2007

some 24 comic relief

While I anxiously await for a new episode of 24 tonight, I came across this fantastic list, which was posted on this Web site. The comments are hilarious, and this guy did a ton of work, which needs to be appreciated. These might not make sense to someone who doesn't watch the show religiously, but I laughed out loud multiple times, so I had to share.

My favorite quote from this Web site has got to be:

I spent a long time trying to figure out why Debbie went out with a guy like Behrooz. She was cute and nice. He was a goofy kid with a bad haircut who was kind of on the fence about whether he wanted to explode the entire world into nuclear dust. Once you hear her ringtone, though, it's clear. Listen to that song. It's such a ridiculously weird song to choose as one of your favorites. I can't even place it in enough context to make a joke about it. It seems to be tuned to the exact frequency required to completely negate the effect of the dramatic ambient music playing over it. Well, whatever, it all makes sense now. Behrooz got a chance with Debbie because Debbie was lame as hell.

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