Gredenko explains to Fayed that they need to launch the drones RIGHT NOW because CTU knows where they are. This kind of makes Fayed happy because now he can finally get on Gredenko’s case for screwing up, since that’s what he’s been doing to Fayed all day. The Russian who’s in charge of flying the drone with a joystick launches it. Terrorists are always really high-tech, yet they are using the same gaming device that I used in 1996 to play EA’s NHL hockey with on my computer.
Nadia and Milo are talking at her desk, and Milo puts his hand on her wrist. They’ll be married next season. Chloe ominously comes over and tells them that she found out that Nadia was logged in under Milo’s username and that it’s a felony. Milo tells her that she can’t get them arrested because they need all the man power they can get. Chloe explains to them that if she was going to report them she would’ve already and she’s just giving them a warning so no one else notices it. And that Chloe, is how you interact with co-workers affectively.
CTU quickly finds out where it us, but the drone is not able to be picked up on radar. CTU has to use satellites to tell the air force where they are so they can shoot it down before it gets to its destination. Morris quickly loses the satellite image however, and no one can figure out why.
Jack is back in CTU but is sent down to medical. He sees Marilyn and stops and talks to her. Marilyn tells him how disappointed she was that they never worked out and leans in for a kiss and gets shafted. Jack Bauer does not settle for his dead brother’s sloppy seconds. Jack explains that he’s in love with another woman and that he has to talk to her. Marilyn knows he’s talking about Audrey, even though no one in Jack’s family has spoken to him since his wife died seven years ago. Marilyn explains to Jack that she read in the papers that Audrey died. WHAT? Where is this coming from? A major character died and we didn’t even get to see it? What a rip-off. She was in China and there was an accident. Jack is devastated. He runs out to talk to Chloe. He slams her phone down in the middle of her conversation and asks why she didn’t tell him about Audrey. She explains that since they all thought Jack was just going to die anyway there was no reason to tell him, but apologizes for not telling him after the fact. Chloe, that’s the second time in a row that you’ve known how to interact with people. And you were practically sensitive. I’m so proud of you.
In the batcave, Veep Daniels is being brought up to speed on the aerial drones. He calls a chief of staff meeting and his weird creepy assistant, who will clearly become a bigger part of the show because of all the camera pans to her, tells him that Karen Hayes will be attending the meeting. We see Karen walking down the hallway and she runs into Lennox, and questions him about the cut on his forehead.
Karen- Did someone throw you down a flight of stairs?
Lennox- No, Karen, I tripped over your ineptitude.
Lennox you are one weaselly little guy but boy was that a quick, awesome response. Kudos. In the meeting Daniels explains that if the bomb goes off the U.S. will respond with a nuclear bomb on Derka Derkastan. Karen is not down with that and forcefully tells him so. She explains that their country does not support Fayed and the terrorists and that it could start another world war. The zoom-ins on Lennox made me believe that he was going to agree with Karen for once, and apparently so did she. But the meeting is adjourned with Daniels all set to destroy the Middle East.
Outside, Karen confronts Lennox calling him out on the fact that he doesn’t agree with Daniels’s plan either. Lennox gets really mad and tells her that she doesn’t know what he’s thinking and that he’s serving at the discretion of the president, who at the moment is Daniels. Then he gives Karen the finger and walks away. Well no, but he might as well have.
Milo comes up to Chloe and asks her if Morris has been drinking. She doesn’t think that he has but Milo wants her to check his breathe. She agrees, walks over to Morris’s station and kisses him. Morris asks her why she did that, and she told him that she was checking his breathe for alcohol. She reports an “all clear” to Milo and he shakes his head at her in an “alright Chloe you got me that was a good one” way. This might be the funniest moment ever on 24. I could not have been happier.
In the situation room at CTU, Chloe explains that the reason they don’t have satellite coverage is because someone is hacking into the system from inside. Surprise! Another mole at CTU. Is there ANY background check involved when applying to work here? Chloe says she can figure out which computer it’s coming from but it’ll take hours, so they need to narrow down there search. Doyle tells them to start with Nadia, DUH. Milo flips out, because he wants to tap that, and tells Doyle that Nadia is a loyal American. Doyle’s like “she’s suspect because she’s Muslim and everyone’s thinking it but I’m the only one who’s saying it.” Doyle might be the biggest tool to every grace the offices of CTU. Milo gets in his face and calls him a racist. Buchanan says they might as well start with her, Milo gets even angrier and Doyle goes, “you wouldn’t be saying this if you weren’t itching to sleep with her.” If you thought Milo was pissed before… Chloe interrupts all of this by saying that it did come from Nadia’s computer. Ok there’s NO WAY Nadia’s the mole. It would just be too obvious and unbelievable and CTU never gets the mole right on the first try.
Karen goes to see how Wayne Palmer is doing in surgery. The doc explains that he was crashing before, but they put him in a coma so they could [medical jargon I don’t care about.] Karen asks if he could be woken up to make a national security decision and the doctor said he wouldn’t approve of it. The only way he would let it happen was if a family member signed off on it, and his sister is watching him worriedly from behind a glass door.
Doyle has Nadia in the holding room and he chokes her to emphasize that he will do whatever he has to to get information out of her. Nadia shoots back with the knowledge that when Doyle was in Denver it was reported that he “got off” by hurting people. Ew. Milo comes in and tells him that they found information that will lead them to the drones, so he can leave Nadia alone. Doyle leaves and Milo checks to make sure she’s ok. Nadia asks if he believes her, and he hesitates, which means maybe they won’t be getting married after all.
Morris uses Nadia’s computer to track down the Russian guy who is playing Space Invaders with the aerial drone joystick. Doyle gets his team ready and Jack prepares to go with them. Buchanan confronts him and tells him to go back to medical. Jack is still mighty angry that Bill didn’t tell him about Audrey. This is completely irrelevant to finding nuclear bombs but that's how Jack justifies it somehow. He also says that he knows Audrey was murdered looking for him and that he’s going to fight the whole population of China if he has to to avenge her death. So Bill lets him go.
They get to the sight where Russian aerial drone man is. Jack kills some guy just walking out of the building. Why did Jack assume he was a terrorist? It’s only like quarter to eight, he could’ve just been working late. Or Jack could’ve just told him to freeze and have someone cuff him. Maybe he’s practicing for the war he’s going to declare on China when this day’s over. They get inside, shoot mad homies, and find the computer that’s navigating the drone. Jack redirects it away from the target of San Francisco, and it crashes and burns in an industrial park. It’s still radioactive, but it didn’t detonate. Good job Jack, there’s no “do over” in the game of nuclear bombs.
Daniels is told that the bomb didn’t go off. He seems disappointed. When he’s informed that the area was still radioactive, he says that that is still considered an attack on the U.S. and we’re still going to bomb Derka Derkastan. Now even Lennox doesn’t like that idea. Everyone pleads with Daniels that there’s no reason to bomb them, since the bomb didn’t go off and the casualties will be like one firefighter. But he’s like nah, I’m gunna bomb them anyway. Peace homies.
This was a very CTU driven episode, which there haven’t been a lot of this season. This was a much better episode than the last couple of weeks, and maybe that’s why. This was also the best Chloe episode ever. The only way she could’ve been more awesome was if she was given a machine gun, a la season 4. However, there was still minimal Jack in this episode. Kiefer Sutherland is not the executive producer and the only person to appear in every single episode of the show for nothing. It’s because he’s awesome. So give me more Jack, all the time.
P.S. I just realized that there was no mention of Logan at all. Is he alive? What happened?
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